Saturday 5 April 2014

"Make Up" your mind...

Now, how many times have we heard the phrase "girls look better without makeup blah blah blah"? And let's be real, if you wear makeup, you will find that phrase annoying as hell. Right?! Especially if you love makeup and enjoy wearing it.

However, coming from me, I do enjoy not wearing makeup sometimes. I believe that nothing feels as liberating to walk out of my house with a bare face. Yes, I may look hella scary, but sometimes, that in it self makes me humble. For me, to be able to embrace my flaws (even for a day) means that I have come a looong way from when I used to mask them all. Ok, I still have days when I do wear a full face of foundation and what have you, but I'm human. One day I'll feel so high that I feel like I can conquer the world with blemishes and dark under eyes, and other days, I use makeup to make me feel pampered and good.

What I'm trying to get at is that it is totally okay to not wear makeup, just as it is totally okay to wear a face full. However, that doesn't give anyone the right to tell anyone that they should not wear makeup. No. Not cool. Speaking from experience, there are some people that tell me "why do you wear so much makeup?!" and there are some that tell me "you look so lovely without makeup!" look, both these phrases are conveying the EXACT same message in the long run, it's just that one annoys the hell out of me whereas the other makes me have self-confidence. Even if it just a little bit.

So, going back to the title of this post, (which is obviously a play with words and not meant in a rude or sarcastic way) I believe the most important thing ever is how we girls perceive ourselves. In fact, it does not matter what anyone thinks of us. Really, it doesn't. Once we have the mind set that ensures us that we look good regardless of what we have on our face, is when we will feel at ease. Trust me. One day after a long day of exams, I felt really rough and was avoiding people (LOL). However, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I thought to myself "you know what? I don't look as bad as I feel". And that alone made me feel a little bit better. So girls, make up your minds!

Love always,

Fatima x

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