Now, I'm sure every girl who wears hijab will be able to sympathise with me when I say that I am always losing my hijab pins. It's inevitable!
So, one day (after I cleaned my room) I was sitting on my bed just thinking (I really don't know what of) and an idea struck me. I decided to make my own hijab pin holder. Luckily, I had all the items I needed to make this holder at home so without further ado, I got cracking.
What I used
1) 2 types of left over fabric from my sisters textiles project
2) Large fabric scissors
3) Black pen (any type, I used biro)
4) Fabric glue
5) Kitchen sponge (preferably a large one as you can fit more pins)
6) And of course, pins
How I made it
Placing the sponge yellow side down (the hard scourer part facing upwards) on the fabric, I cut out a shape about four fingers larger than the sponge on each side (see above photo if I'm confusing you).
You can then either cut out a square shape from each corner or do it the harder way by cutting a straight line following the side of the sponge, glue it down then cut the square out. It's up to you.
In my opinion, the gluing down part was such a battle and I was close to giving up. However, I'm quite glad I never gave up! Glue each side of the fabric onto the scourer side then once you're finished, turn the whole sponge around to help the fabric and glue dry together. A better type of glue to use would be a hot fabric glue gun.
Using the other fabric, I drew out bold letters saying MY PINS. The MY being slightly smaller than the PINS. This step is totally optional but I thought it was really cute!
The only mistake I done with this was that I drew the letters normally rather than back to front. So, try and draw them back to front then flip them over when you stick them on the sponge.
I also drew little stitching marks around each letter which I thought was super cute.
I stuck the letters on how I wanted them on the sponge using the fabric glue.
I then let the glue dry overnight.
Before pins were inserted |
So, this is how the finished product looks! I have received loads of compliments from who ever see's this holder as it takes its pride of place on my shelf.
How do you store your hijab pins?
Lots of love, Fatima xxxx
I love your crafty idea!