Here in the UK, we're fast approaching the colder months in the years.. even though our weathers rubbish all year round, it's been reaally cold recently.
As in gets colder, you'll find that we might have to change our skincare regimes as our skin tends to change.. So here's a list of 10 of the most important winter essentials that will see you through the winter.

1) Tissues: ..not just any tissues.. tissues that are made for your nose. Don't think you can get away with using kitchen tissues cause that's going to make your nose hurt. The skin around your nose will peel and you'll rip the skin inside your nose and you'll bleed and it'll hurt. So please, use Kleenex or any tissue that is catered towards the nose area. Better still, get the one's that are pocket sized so you can keep it in your bag.

3) Moisturiser: You'll find that what with these strong, cold winds, the skin on your face and body gets reaaally dry. Use a rich hydrating moisturiser to protect your beautiful face and body please, thanks!
4) Hand cream: Winter is no excuse to have dry, crusty, sand-paperesque hands. Carry a moisturising hand cream in your bag so you can whip it out whenever you feel like your hands need some loving. You'll thank me.

5) Cuticle cream/oil: Your cuticles will get soooo crusty in this weather so either use a hand and nail cream on them, a cuticle butter (my favourite is Lush's lemon one) or a cuticle oil. You can find any of these in the nail section of any drugstore.
6) Vicks: I love vicks, just smelling it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
7) Keep warm: Wear knitted clothing and layer up. Trust me, this is the only month you'll get away with it so use this opportunity. Another way of keeping warm at night is sleeping with a hot water bottle (especially if you're single ha ha ha), it's so cosy!

9) Cold and flu: Avoid keeping yourself too warm if you get ill. A common misconception is that you must stay in bed under 100 odd blankets and duvets.Your body temperature is already high as it is so you don't need to make it any higher. Having said that, you shouldn't go out in the cold butt naked either!

Hope you're all happy and healthy!
Lots of love xoxo
*All photo's and images are not mine and are courtesy of Google*
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